My Natural and Easy Method to Refresh Your Carpets (Household Elf)

It's spring cleaning season and we are talking about refreshing those dingy, smelly carpets! We have a dog and that dog can really start to stink up our carpets along with everything else that the kids spill! 

We bought a carpet cleaner but we don't always have the time to clean them. Unfortunately, it also doesn't entirely get that dingy smell out. So I've been on the search for a smell good method to spruce up our carpets.

Carpet powder is something that I used a long time ago before I had kids and was considerate of the chemicals I brought into the house. Most store bought powders have been irritating to our dogs skin and I would assume the same for kids. Since we have a baby that has recently started to crawl (YAY!) I need to be extra careful about what we use.

Here is a safe and natural carpet powder that works like a charm!

What you need...

  • 2 cups of baking soda

  • essential oils ( I used lemon and lavender) about 15 drops of each.

What you do...

You can use a dollar tree Parmesan shaker or you can use an old ball jar with the lid. Put all of your ingredients into the jar and shake until the oil has dispersed.

Let it sit for 30 minutes and then vacuum up. Your house will smell so fresh!

If you don't have any young kids or pets that play on the floor you can also replace one cup of baking soda with a cup of borax. Baking soda and borax are both natural ingredients but borax can also be a skin irritant. Both substances also absorb odors really well. Borax is a natural pest deterrent so that is an added bonus!

This natural carpet powder has really been a godsend! My carpets no longer smell like wet dog thanks to this carpet deodorizer! Sprinkle this stuff before a you are expecting company and they will wonder how you keep your house smelling so fresh!


Posted on April 8, 2016 and filed under Happy Mama, Home, Wellness, household.