So you decided to take the plunge and start your own blog! I remember 4 years ago, when I decided to take my blog from a hobby to a money making blog. There was so much knowledge out there for me to absorb and I learned along the way but there are 5 things you should absolutely do now and I’m sharing them with you today!
When Siblings Fight
I'm not usually one of those Moms that gets excited for back to school. I love the time I have together with my kids and I'm trying to take it all in and what time they have left being young. This summer was a little... well... we will call it different.
Wittle Birds Cooking Show!!
My girls are fascinated with the video world and it didn't help when the hubby gave EACH of them their own Flip Video camera that he happened to get free through a promotion!
They love watching YouTube videos (thanks to our smart TV) and have been wanting to record their own for a long time. I was hesitant at first but they had a ton of fun with this! So here it is... their first stab at YouTube
Be Our Guest
We would like for you to join us as a guest poster! Do you have an idea or previous post that you think would be great for 3 Wittle Birds readers? Then we want to hear from you! It can be a previous post on your blog or a completely new idea!
Here is what we are looking for...
Girl Scout content
So far my general knowledge of troop leading doesn't extend beyond Daisies, I'm looking for other troop leader ideas for older grade levels. You don't have to be a website or blog owner to post, we just want to share the wealth of ideas with other troop leaders. After all, we know how hard this gig can be!
Party ideas
Tips and tricks on easy entertaining to birthday party blowouts!
Happy Mama content
I love hearing stories about motherhood and what makes you mama's happy. Do you have any special routines or secret weapons to get through the chaos? We'd love for you to share!
Raising Girls
Raising girl tips or special experiences that you can't miss!
Anything else you think would fit?
What we require...
Well thought out posts, with proper grammar and punctuation. I do not edit your work so it needs to be a finished product.
Provide specific details where needed: If you are submitting a tutorial or a project, please make sure to provide specific details to make the idea useful to our readers.
Quality photographs: Photographs need to be original. The pictures need to be clear and with proper lighting.
Submit your work!
Please email me at with your work along with some or all of your pictures. I will review all submissions and get back to you within 2 weeks. If you are chosen your work will be featured and include social media shout outs on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter.
We've had some major changes around here.
Hello everyone! Happy Monday!
Notice anything new on the website?!
We've had a face lift!
I've been debating for some time now as to whether I should switch my hosting sight from blogger. Well, I made the leap and I couldn't be happier! I love this new look and it's been a long process and many late nights but I'm proud to say it's a project I completed all by myself. Feeling proud with my coding skills right now.... Just sayin.
With the addition of our newest baby 8 weeks ago and me returning to my full time job today, I've done a lot of thinking and self-evaluating. I've been with this blog for 5 years now and I wasn't sure if I should continue with all the other obligations I have and if so, which direction I wanted to take it. I prayed and prayed some more. My heart told me not to give it up but I really needed to think what exactly I wanted to express in this little space of mine.
I did want to say thank you and HELLO to all of my recent subscribers!! I'm so excited and over joyed to see the crazy amount of notifications I've received lately with all of you signing up! YOU ROCK! It's clear that this new direction is where I'm suppose to be headed with all the increase in recent support. I hope to bring you more of the girl scout planning ideas. It's seems to be the hot topic here! I'Along with that and I think to compliment GS I really want to dive into the world of raising up girls, perhaps that is why God has blessed me with three of them! Of course, I can't part ways with my party planning and crafty projects so there will be a lot of that too.
Have you been interested in healthy living and changing bad habits lately? Me too, which is why you may occasionally see some healthy recipes and other things along those lines on here too. I hope you don't mind if I share that journey with you. I find that if I am making some major lifestyle changes I really need to jump with both feet in, which is generally reflected in all that I do, including blogging.
Here is a fun picture of what I managed to get accomplished this weekend! The first time in a year since I dyed my hair. Boy, was it needed!
So stay tuned!
XOXO, Katie
Google Forms and Girl Scout Troop Leading
Let's take a minute and talk about a little thing I recently discovered called
Google Forms
. I know my husband, an avid supporter of Google, will appreciate this post. I still can't believe it's taken me this long to figure this thing out!!!
Google Forms is a great tool to use with your troop planning. As a troop leader, I like to get feedback from the parents about the direction of the troop. I have a Shutterfly Sharesite for them to access and I am always trying to find better ways to communicate. For some, it's a struggle to get a parent to just respond if their Girl Scout will be attending a field trip let alone have them complete a year end survey on a website that needs a password.
can make your life a little easier. You can create forms/surveys and email them out to your troop. You can either share the link to the online survey or you can have the survey sent right to their inbox for them to complete. There is no real excuse why they can't do this. Some will fail at this too but it doesn't get any easier than this!
Here are some examples of ways you can use this feature...
Create a year end survey for the parents.
I ask questions such as...
- How do you feel about the frequency of the meetings
- How does the day and time of meetings work for you
- What does your child enjoy most about the program
- Making friendships
- Arts and crafts
- Stem
- Learning new things
- Badge earning
- What do you or you child wish to do more of with this program
- Are you comfortable with overnight troop camping?
- Are you looking to volunteer?
- What of expertise can you contribute to the troop
- First Aid and CPR
- Yoga
- Gardening
- Arts and Crafts
- ect
Event and field trip RSVP
- Name (text option)
- Will your child attend xxx field trip (choose from list is drop down option)
- will you be able to volunteer and drive?
- If so, how many people can you fit in your car?
Do you have any fun tips or tools you like to use for your troop? Please share in the comments. Sharing is caring!