Spa Science: Make Your Own Lip Balm

Bella has been into STEM subjects lately and really loves science experiments! I love this side of her and I only want to encourage her exploration, which is why when she begged to make another YouTube video I couldn't say NO. 

We are avid library fans and constantly have 30+ books checked out at any given time. She recently checked out Cool Chemistry Activities for Girls and was excited to try the lip balm activity!

You can make any flavor you like. The recipe calls for peppermint but we used strawberry extract instead! This recipe works great for a Spa Science party or as part of the Home Scientist Brownie Badge!

Bella was super excited about a book she found and wanted to try out the lip balm recipe! She was excited to find out she can apply this to her "Home Scientist" Brownie badge for Girl Scouts! Materials needed: 1 tsp shredded beeswax 1 tsp honey 1 tsp olive oil or coconut oil 1/4 tsp flavored extract (peppermint, strawberry, whatever you like!)

Thanks for watching!

Posted on January 14, 2017 and filed under Girl scouts, Raising Girls, STEM.