Brownie Snacks Badge

This was a fun badge to work on because what kid doesn't like to eat? I find that my troop is always hungry regardless of what time our meeting is so snack time is a great motivator and mood booster! Rather than spending an entire meeting pigging out on snacks we decided to break this badge up and have one snack each meeting. 

  1. Jump into the world of snacks
    1. Visit a Farming CoOp- visit Cabot Cheese for some program ideas and how you can earn a free patch!
  2. Make a savory snack
    1. Mini Bagel pizzas - These were a total hit and now my kids make these when they get home from school all by themselves! Take mini bagels (they are the perfect size for kids) and split them in half. Spread pizza sauce on both sides and sprinkle mozzarella cheese on top. No need to bake them. K
  3. Try a sweet treat
    1. Strawberries and cream
    2. Reindeer munch
    3. Fruit Kabobs w/ dip
  4. Snack for energy
    1. Make your own Trail Mix
    2. Ants on a log
  5. Slurp a snack
    1. Milkshake
    2. Smoothies
    3. Sprite Float - use the cola recipe in the Girls Guide to Girls Scouting Snacks and add vanilla ice cream or a quick and easy idea is to use Sprite and rainbow sherbet ice cream.

Bon Appetit!

Posted on July 13, 2017 and filed under Girl scouts.