Hello Friends!
I've been lagging on the Magical Mondays series so far. Fail on my part! I'm really excited to pick this back up and start sharing with you because our Disney Vacation is coming up in 5 weeks!!
Join me next Monday for a Magical Mondays Link Up!
Next week, I plan to include a link up with Magical Mondays so I hope you all join along and share your favorite Disney posts, past or something new!
For this week I'm sharing with you one of my prized possession! My Alice in Wonderland teapots! Aren't they so great!! One of my favorite Disney movies is Alice in Wonderland and when I found these at one of the shops in Downtown Disney I just couldn't pass them up! Sorry for all the exclamation points here but I truly am excited about them:)
These pieces are just a small bit of what I like to think as my eclectic style.
I hope you join me next weeks Magical Mondays for my first blog link up !!

<div align="center"> <a href="http://3wittlebirds.blogspot.com/" title="3 Wittle Birds"><img src="http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx326/kdelarosa05/95f5467c-715c-4960-88de-ed02e7a9bc61.jpg" alt="3 Wittle Birds" style="border:none;" /></a></div>