Welcome to Magical Mondays Link up!!!
The world of Disney is something that is very close to my heart. I'm a former cast member and frequent vacationer of Walt Disney World. We are so excited to be going back in 4 weeks and I can't wait for this adventure. To count down our trip and continue on with the spirit, Magical Mondays is a link up dedicated to any and all things Disney. Every Monday we will be here to share our favorite moments and posts. It can be a post about a review from the parks, a craft, recipe or just a heartfelt memory. Whatever it is (past or new) link up those Disney inspired posts!!
This will be pretty simple.
1. Just link up your post below.
2. Add the Magical Mondays button to your post or a simple link will do.
3. Visit other participants and start sharing!

<div align="center"> <a href="http://3wittlebirds.blogspot.com/" title="3 Wittle Birds"><img src="http://i768.photobucket.com/albums/xx326/kdelarosa05/95f5467c-715c-4960-88de-ed02e7a9bc61.jpg" alt="3 Wittle Birds" style="border:none;" /></a></div>