This seemed to be a daunting task for a newbie troop leader like me. I am completely out of my element as a leader so organization is something I am obsessed over. I have a little bit of OCD when it comes to planning.
What do you want to include in the parent packet?
Each girl/parent got a blue folder with their name on it. This folder is used as a parent communicator that the Daisy will bring to every meeting. The folder will be sent home each meeting with a wrap up of what was done at the meeting and updates and information on the next meeting.
Below is what I included in the folder for the parent packet...
- Parent letter (including troop expectations, rules, meeting schedule)
- Parent Helper sign up form
- Uniform handout (explains the items needed for uniform for the parents to purchase, unless you will purchase the entire troops)
- Forms
- Girl Membership Registration Form
- Adult Membership Registration Form
- Medical History form (both girl and adult volunteers)
- Permission slips
Girl activity
I wanted the girls to have something to direct their attention to while I discussed the business with the parents. For this I had my co-leader take the girls aside to decorate their own daisy flower that we would put on the Troop meeting board.
I wanted to keep the meeting fairly short and to the point.
I went over...
- Parent letter (for a copy of my parent letter visit my updated post ---> here )
- Troop Leader contact information
- Meeting information
- Day and time of the week
- Location
- What they do at the meetings
- Uniforms and Handbook
- What badges to purchase before hand
- Council ID
- American flag
- Troop Numerals
- Insignia tab
- Troop Dues
- What does troop dues cover
- Due date
- Importance of volunteers
- Positions open
- Share site
- Shutterfly offers an amazing share site to keep the parents up to date on meetings. I would strongly recommend checking it out!
- Forms ( I handed out the forms for the parents to complete at the meeting.)
- Goals for this year
- 2 meetings / month
- 1 field trip or event / month
- Earn a badge every meeting
- Start on a Daisy Journey in the Spring
For my troop, I decided to include the Membership Pin and Badges the girls will earn through out the year in their membership dues.
It's important to decide how you want your troop to operate for the year and have some sort of outline. I really wanted to incorporate outside activities not just regular meetings twice a month so I welcomed suggestions of ideas for meetings other than at the school. This also got the parents involved.
The meeting ended on a wonderful note with all the Moms excited and I could see they were also bursting with ideas. I hope this helps you plan out your first meeting!