Happy Holidays!!!!
We had our 5th meeting of the year this past week. I wanted to keep it low key as it's close to the holidays but also have some fun!
We opened up the meeting as usual in our Daisy Circle. We recapped on our Cookie Goals from last meeting and said the Girl Scout Promise and practiced the Girl Scout Law. Then we went straight into the fun activities!
Girl Scout Daisy Ornament
What you need:
Green pipe cleaners
Green and White pony beads
Blue flower bead
ribbon to hang on the tree
hole puncher
Print out for your daisy troop.You can download the publisher file I created here:
I set out a couple of plates with both the white and green pony beads. I handed each girl a blue bead and myself and a couple of adults helped the girls string the beads on the green pipe cleaners.
Once the girls had the desired number of beads (15 on each side worked best) we twisted the pipe cleaners and trimmed the edges. I twisted them a couple of times to ensure they would stay.
Then you string the ribbon around the twisted area and make a knot.
Slide the hole punched tag through the ribbon and make another knot to keep it in place.
Lastly, make another knot at the ends to create a hoop that can allow the ornament to hang on the tree.
What do ya think?
Our second activity we decorated snowflake sugar cookies with white icing and blue shining sprinkles. I put out a couple of ramekins of different toppings through out the table and we passed around the bag of icing to each girl. I would have liked to have another bag of icing to speed up the process as we have ten girls but surprisingly the girls were pretty patient.
The girls had so much fun doing these two activities and it took up the full hour for the meeting. We also played some festive music in good party fashion. You can serve snacks or cookies and milk. We did not because our meetings are in the evenings and as parents voted it was best not to feed them that late.
If you would like other ideas...

This idea is super cute:

This one is my favorite!
Check out Play Trains website:
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and have fun with your little Girl Scouts!!
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