Have you seen that thing on Pinterest, with the DIY of the Little Tykes kid cottage? Well, I tried it!
I used
Krylon Fusion for Plastic
in red, white and brown.
What I used....
3 cans of white
2 cans of red
2 cans of brown.
Here's what I did....
- Dissembled the house. I took off the door and shutters.
- Power wash both sides of all pieces of the play house and allow to air dry
- Use a drop cloth or a large piece of cardboard under to protect the grass or drive way from the spray paint.
- Evenly spray coordinating pieces with the color you choose. Allow to dry for at least 45 minutes.
- Turn over the play house pieces and spray paint the opposite side as well as the sides.
- Allow all pieces to dry over night to avoid chipping when you put the house back together.
Tip: Do this outside and on a day that is
or you will go through too many cans of spray paint!
Also, I only did the outside of the house in white. Since the inside was a faded yellow, I didn't really notice that much of a difference and it saved me time and money!
How did it really go?.....
I spent about 40 dollars on spray paint and from a distance this actually looks pretty cute. When I started to put the house back together, some of the red paint, on the doors and shutters, smeared with the white pieces. It makes it look a little cheap but my girls really enjoyed it.
I spent all total of 5 hours and a sunny afternoon. For the time and the money, I probably wouldn't do this again. It was a free garbage picked playhouse that needed a little face lift.
Here is what it used to look like....