Posts tagged #costumes

Minnie Mouse Costume!

Halloween is coming up and I like to start thinking about things early... even thought they don't get done until the last minute. I'm a big planner but not executer. I love seeing homemade costumes, this is the heart of what dressing up is about.

My daughter loves Minnie Mouse, how could she not? We are such a Disney family!
I thought it would be cute to make a Minnie Mouse inspired petti skirt! Yeah, great idea, but seeing as how I have never attempted to make a petti skirt before, I thought I might be biting off more then I could chew.

So last weekend we caved and took a trip to the disney store!!!!

I fell in LOVE with these shoes and Bella did too!! She is a shoe diva! However, the minnie costume we chose was pink and these wouldn't match. That's not to say that she won't get them later.
Classic Minnie Mouse Shoes for Girls
So instead we fell in love with these!!
Ballet Flat Minnie Mouse Shoes for Girls
Minnie Mouse Costume for Baby and Toddler Girls
We got this costume with the matching Minnie Ears!
She was very excited to put on her costume when we got home!!!
She threw a fit when I made her take it off.

Maybe I will get around to making the minnie pettie skirt someday.
Posted on September 3, 2011 .