Posts tagged #hello kitty party

Hello Kitty Birthday!

It's been almost a month since this precious girl turned 6. This was a hard birthday for this mama. She is my oldest and I couldn't help but reminisce of when I turned 6. It's the earliest birthday I can remember of my own. I look back to that day that I turned 6 thinking I was changed and different. Thinking that I was growing up and I started to feel much older. LOL at only 6 I had those feelings.

Perhaps it was from this memory that this birthday for my little girl was a little tougher than the previous. The years are going by so fast and I'm just wanting to take a step back and enjoy the present.

My sweetheart has been so in love with Hello Kitty for some time now and I was excited to decorate her party for what she loved so much! We bought her this cute dress from Target and paired it with a pair of black leggings and the Hello Kitty hat. You can't see it now, but there is a Kitty on that hat.

Sweets Table

I generally don't like to give out candy at a birthday party. Yes... I am one of those moms that prefers non-sugar party favors but the colors and the idea just seemed so much easier this year. The kids always get a kick out of it, too. So it's a winner!

I found these cute polka dot take out boxes from the dollar spot at Target. The colors went well with the rainbow color theme. My wonderful friend


helped me with all the printables for this party including the lovely "thank you" sticker labels on the boxes. I filled the boxes with colored tissue left over from the

tissue tassel project


The Cake

I found a Hello Kitty cake pan on clearance months ago from Joann Fabrics. I used a marshmallow fondant for the white frosting. For the eyes, whiskers, and bow I used black and red sparkle icing. For the nose, I rolled up some of the marshmallow fondant and used some leftover yellow food coloring to paint it on the nose. Bella really loved the cake!!

Hello Kitty Fruit Skewers

I wish I could tell you where I saw this idea. Honestly, I found it years ago and it came to me when planning the party. I used the edible pens to draw the faces on the marshmallows.

Table Tent Food Labels

Denise also assisted in this department. She made me some custom food tents as well as some extra blank tents!

Those are a few details for our Hello Kitty Party! What do ya think?

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