With much excitement about our trip to Walt Disney World in January, I thought I would put together something to help anyone planning a trip to WDW!!! Our family are expert Walt Disney World Resort vacationers (and I a former college program cast member) and over the years I have found some things helpful with my travels.

- It's all about the time of year!!!!!! Planning your trip in a low season is key, especially if this is a once in a life time for your family. I get that summer vacation is when your kids are out of school and you don't want to have to pull them out for a vacation but..... do you really want to spend all that money (because it is expensive) to wait in a hot and muggy line for over an hour, just for a two minute ride? You might get to go on maybe 3 rides before your family has a meltdown... especially with young children!!!! With that said, from my experience as a former cast member and a annual (well almost) guest, September through October is beautiful weather and the lines are minimal. January through the beginning of February is less crowded as well and you are looking at cooler weather.
- Think about investing in the Vacation Club! If you love to travel and want to vacation every year, not necessarily Disney either, this is a great investment. If you don't already know about this research it! Now! What are you waiting for?
- Stay on property! While some off property hotels can offer some amazing deals, you still have to rent a car, which can add up and not save you any money. Plus, if you stay at one of the many Disney fabulous resorts, they offer transportation to all of the parks and other exciting attractions with in the Walt Disney Resort. What is great is they have so many resorts that accommodate all types of budget!
- Skip the meal plans. If you stay in one of the WDW resorts that offers a kitchen (which I would highly recommend upgrading to) you can have a food service delivered right to your hotel!!! Saves on the costly meals in the dinning room and you will have access to your own stash 24/7. Will share more about the food delivery service on tips for your trip!
- Disney's Magical Express!! A wonderful shuttle to and from the airport!! With Baggage delivery... you don't even need to worry about picking up your checked in luggage... it's delivered right to your room!
- Be realistic about your budget. You say to your self "we are only going to spend this much"... but then you get there and the kids go wild in the Disney stores and your daughter wants to be a princess at the Bibbity Bobbity Boutique. In then end you will always spend more and the last thing you want is to either go home broke or go home feeling like you might have missed out! Research the different attractions with in the parks and downtown Disney. Know your battle grounds before you depart your house.
Oh my gosh... I am too excited just thinking about it!!! Check back on tips for traveling with small children and what not to miss at WDW!