Posts tagged #star wars

Star Wars Birthday!

I'm so excited that I'm finally posting these pictures for you guys!! Bella requested a Star Wars theme for her birthday this year and I have to admit I was a little apprehensive. I am not familiar with the movies, like she is, but luckily I had my friend, Denise, to assist me. She also happens to be a huge Star Wars fan!

Dessert & Favor Table

The dessert/favor area was the main set up. We scaled this party down a bit from our usual party decor but I think the details we did incorporate made a big bang!! 

  • Glow stick light sabers: Dollar Tree glow sticks, duct tape, and sharpie marker
  • Tie fighter hanging by command hooks.: I purchased mine here: Tie Fighter 3D Model kit
  • Darth Vader and *pink* storm trooper cupcakes
  • Storm trooper goodie bags: I used a storm trooper graphic and printed them out. I cut out the faces and used rubber cement to glue them to your typical white lunch bags.
  • "Come to the dark side We have cupcakes" print out and pink frame provided by: Everything But The Cake

The backdrop is a twinkle light star wall. It's super easy to make. You can take a black foam board and use a drill bit to drill holes in the board for your lights to poke through. I secured the back with duct tape to make sure the lights stayed in place. Regular white Christmas lights would work.

Food Labels

Chewbacca's Chips

Sarlacc Pit Dip

Vader Veggies

Jabba Juice (not pictured)

Vader, storm trooper, and ship cut outs were also provided by Everything But The Cake. In the hallway we tried creating a star wall with twinkle lights and a black table cloth but the photograph didn't do it justice.

Pink Storm Trooper Cupcakes

Initially I had a plan for a cake but poor planning didn't allow that to happen. Instead I whipped up these super easy cupcakes topped with a pink marshmallow storm trooper. I used a Wilton food marker to draw on the faces.


Pink Star wars_edited-demo.jpg

You can order your own custom Star Wars invites in our SHOP!

Party Fashion

Check out my friend Denise's shop for the shirt and bow: Wonderland Bowtique

What do you guys think? I think this would be super cute for a Girl Scout overnight with a Star Wars theme!

