I've never really gotten the flu shot as an adult. I know many people that swear by it. The one year my family (excluding me) by accident got the flu shot (the hubby was in charge of this) they all ended up getting dreadfully sick. I however, despite taking care of each one of them, did not get sick. Now, I'm no doctor and there is always a risk but I think I've done pretty well without it.
Staying healthy is especially important in the winter months. Now that I am pregnant, I want to be extra careful. It's said that in pregnancy your immune system is not at its fullest. So here are my tips and tricks on staying healthy when everyone else around you is getting caught up in the flu season.
Go Green
For the extra healthy boost and vitamins, add a green juice to your routine. I like to drink mine in the morning about a half hour before I eat breakfast. Don't forget to chew your juice:) Here is a great go to recipe...
Juice the following...
2 cups of pineapple
2 oranges
2 cucumbers
5 leafs of kale
1/2 inch of peeled fresh ginger root (a little goes a long way)
*Stir in a teaspoon of turmeric after you have juiced for an added punch and extra immune boost!
For more healthy recipes check out
. They have some amazing ideas!!
De-Stress with Yoga
Exercise and de-stressing are important in keeping your body and your immune system intact. Stress has been linked to illnesses and increases the likelihood of you getting sick so keep that stress level down by a regular yoga routine.
You don't need to go to a yoga class at your gym to accomplish this. Buy a Yoga video and do it at home anytime!
When I first started out I used this beginners yoga video and I highly recommend it! The video I used was
How do you keep healthy in the winter? Do you have a special remedy or routine?
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